3, 2, 1 at Eyeo

Sep 16, 2015

I’m so pleased my talk at Eyeo is now online, with closed captions available, and another version with audio description. Eyeo folks are super to work with, and I’m grateful to have had the chance to look back at my last ten years of work and identify the big themes and turning points.

I tell this story in three chapters, but in reverse order. I think a lot of people want to hear that walking along a path, trying to build a career, is often nonlinear, messy, and perhaps like a series of unrelated events. A season of your life often only makes sense with hindsight. If you’re one of those people, this talk is for you!

It was a relief to be able to include some pieces of my own biography. I’ve strenuously avoided talking about my own life and family for years (for some good reasons, I think). I’m glad to have found a way to bring work and life together.

Also: It took Eyeo folks some real time and effort to make these accessible. When will captioning and audio description actually get super easy, seamless, automatic? I’m looking at you, young engineers and designers.

Eyeo 2015 – Sara Hendren from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.

Featured image is a visitor, Mike, who came to my classroom at Olin to show off his high-tech prosthetic arm and talk to us about all the various replacement arms he’s used—high- and low-tech—over the course of his life.