exoskel urban climber

Jan 6, 2015

an image of the strap-on shin guards, with one strap behind the knee, and one to go under the foot.

The Exoskel Urban Climber caught my eye, via @bldgblog. It’s another story in military/defense gear that has all kinds of potential prosthetic applications—a strap-on set of shin guards that have 4 horizontal rows of big “teeth” across the front of the lower leg, allowing the user to grasp and brace against edges or rough surfaces.

The Exoskel shin guard helping a soldier in uniform scale a combat-damaged wall. The image has inset text advertising its "injury prevention."

It’s interesting that the general biomimicry of the exoskeletal in the animal kingdom is everywhere the last few years.

A close up of a soldier's lower leg, with one of the guard's teeth gripping an uneven concrete surface. Inset text says "Lock On, Move On."

I’m thinking about Ekso Bionics, these 3D printed “Magic Arms,” and even this exo-necklace. More on the urban climber at places like Soldier Systems.

A midrange shot of a soldier wearing two shin guards, allowing her to scale heights in a combat setting.