olafur eliasson: your blind passenger

Dec 24, 2010

It’s hard not to love Eliasson’s work. Deceptively simple, immersive environments are where he shines. Currently up at the Arken Museum is Your Blind Passenger, a 90-meter tunnel, densely fogged. So visibility is minimal, and participants must use other instincts to find their way.

Eliasson says the project “constitutes a possibility that is actualized and converted into reality, an opening where concepts like subject and object, inside and outside, proximity and distance are tossed into the air and redefined.”

“Our sense of orientation is challenged and the coordinates of our spaces, collective and personal, have to be renegotiated.”

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/17988510 w=500&h;=281]

Din blinde passager from Studio Olafur Eliasson on Vimeo.

via Design Boom